Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Home Sick

Blah I am sick today. Sore throat. I was watching ALOT of HGTV and inspired by Devine Design, decided to use my extra tissue paper to cover boxes for more storage. Do you know I just saved myself probably a hundred dollars? I was able to use my boxes for storage so that I didn't go to Target and buy myself the shelving units I was planning on purchasing. I stacked them in a very stylish way and now it looks "designerish" and I didn't spend a dime.

Yesterday I went with my mom and my sister to Lancaster where we went to a thrift store that is full of 75 cent bins. I got SO MUCH stuff including two adorable blouses, shoes, blankets, a REALLY nice coat, a sweater for Scott, tables, a cute toybox shaped as a zebra (just LOVED it and couldn't let it go, 3 side tables (that I stacked and turned into a shelving unit to highlight my boxes) and floral contact paper - all for under $30.

As I sit back and survey my findings, I'm realizing this is how I am a singer. I spend THOUSANDS of dollars every year on voice lessons, application fees, travel costs and publicity materials. I work only 9 hours a week and Scott doesn't make much more than me ... We are both musicians and still we affoard a nice way of life and feel financially stable. I guess that's the magic of thrift stores. Honestly - I don't think there is a new piece of furniture in this apartment and somehow it all goes together beautifully. Thrift stores are a gift from God. I think I will use them as long as they are around.

On another note - my sister goes to Rome, Italy on Friday for study abroad. I am so excited for her and know that her life will never be the same after this trip; Living in another country really shapes your outlook on life and I am so excited to hear about the life lessons she learns.

Sorry this entry was so boring ... not much going on around here since I'm layed up on the couch with the sorest throat I've had in years. YUCK!

Peace and love everyone. Have a great week!

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